Privacy Notice


The European Space Agency (herein the “Agency” or “ESA”) is an intergovernmental organisation established by its Convention opened for signature in Paris on 30 May 1975 having its headquarters located at 24 rue du Général Bertrand, CS 30798, 75345 Paris Cedex 07, France.

Protection of Personal Data is of great importance for ESA, which strives to ensure a high level of protection as required by the ESA Framework on Personal Data Protection (herein the “ESA PDP Framework”) which applies in this field. ESA implements appropriate measures to preserve the rights of data subjects, to ensure the processing of personal data for specified and legitimate purposes, in a not excessive manner, as necessary for the purposes for which the personal data were collected or for which they are further processed, in conditions protecting  confidentiality, integrity and safety of personal data and generally to implement the principles set forth in the PDP Framework, available at:

ESA PDP Framework is composed of the following elements:

  • the Principles of Personal Data Protection, as adopted by ESA Council Resolution (ESA/C/CCLXVIII/Res.2 (Final)) adopted on 13 June 2017;
  • the Rules of Procedure for the Data Protection Supervisory Authority, as adopted by ESA Council Resolution (ESA/C/CCLXVIII/Res.2 (Final)) adopted on 13 June 2017; and
  • the Policy on Personal Data Protection adopted by Director General of ESA on 5 February 2018 and effective on 1 March 2018.

This notice is intended to inform you, as data subject, about:

  • the identity of the data controller and contact details of ESA Data Protection Officer (“DPO”);
  • the type of personal data which is collected and processed;
  • the modalities of collection of personal data;
  • the purpose of the collection and processing;
  • the recipients (if any) to whom the personal data of the data subject shall be disclosed;
  • the time-limits for storing the personal data;
  • the practical modalities of exercising the rights of the data subject under the ESA PDP Framework.

This notice is also enables ESA to obtain your consent relating to the collection and further processing of your personal data, under ESA PDP Framework.


  1. Who is the Data Controller?

Your personal data are collected and further processed as shown below upon the decision taken by

ESA. Thus the Data Controller is ESA.


  1. What are the contact details of ESA Data Protection Officer?

According to the ESA PDP Framework, your first point of contact concerning personal data matters is the ESA Data Protection Officer (“DPO”), who may be contacted at

For further information on the situations in which you may contact the ESA DPO, please refer to the questions below.


  1. What kind of personal data about you are collected and further processed?

The personal data which may be collected and further processed for the purposes mentioned below are in particular:


  • Name
  • Surname
  • Email address


Account creation:

  • Username
  • E-mail
  • Name
  • Surname
  • Name employer
  • City
  • Country of registration
  • ESA entity code
  • Job Title


Course/event registration:

In addition to the above, the following may, i.a., be collected:

  • Phone number
  • Nationality
  • Country of residence
  • Past work experience
  • Education
  • Motivation to join a course


Course participation/attendance:

  • Participation details/attendance


Livestream/Webinar/course recordings:

  • Video
  • Voice
  • Pictures



  • Opinion


Other information that you provide and which may directly or indirectly identify you.


You are required not to send to the Agency any sensitive information (including information that indicate, directly or indirectly, the personnel’s ethnic origin, political opinions, adhesion to unions, parties etc., health situation, sexual orientation).


  1. How are your personal data collected or further processed?

Your personal data may be collected by various means, including via:

  • enquiry: name and e-mail addresses can be collected when someone contacts ESA by email for questions regarding courses/events or the Learning Hub


  • website account creation: to use some features of the Learning Hub, a registration on the website is required. Users create an account.


  • registration to participate in an activity and selection: to participate in a training session or event and be admitted, participants fill in an online form.


  • participant lists: record of attendance/participation which can be created during an event


  • livestream of activities/events: some activities might be livestreamed on the internet and recorded for replay which is available publicly afterwards


  • webinars: some courses/events are organised in the form of webinars which might be recorded and made available afterwards


  • recording of lectures/training sessions: for future use as e-learning materials, lectures can be recorded.


  • pictures and videos can be taken during an activity and made available afterwards for promotional purposes


  • surveys: at the end of a course/event, evaluation surveys can be performed.


  1. Why are your personal data collected and further processed?

Your personal data are collected and further processed:

    • to provide you access to, and enable the use of the website
    • to manage your relationship with the Agency as well as your requests and applications in relation to courses/events offered via the Learning Hub
    • to enable your participation to courses and events and to select participants who can take part
    • to conduct e-learning activities
    • to send you notifications in connection with courses and events you registered for
    • to manage your history of learning courses attended/completed
    • to send you important information in relation to the Learning Hub and your account
    • to communicate your personal data to third-parties collaborators, contractors and partners involved in the organisation of courses and events for a successful execution of the above
    • to conduct evaluation surveys
    • to conduct statistical analyses of participation in courses
    • to highlight and promote Learning Hub courses, to communicate about such courses as well as to promote similar events, in the future on any media
    • to record the training (e.g. voice and image) and create e-learning materials, provide a record of past trainings and make them available online for others to use to promote space industry practices and capabilities aligned with ESA’s mission
    • The information collected by the web analytics tool is used to generate aggregated statistics on the use of this website.

In addition to these purposes, the Agency may use your personal information for any of the purposes mentioned in Article 5 of the Policy on Personal Data Protection.


  1. To whom might we disclose your personal data?

The Agency may disclose your personal data to any of the following third party recipients for the fulfilment of all or part of the purposes of the collection and processing of personal data, which are mentioned above:


Recipient acting as…


Servers of the recipient are  located in:


contractors involved in the operation, maintenance and hosting of the website


The EU

contractor involved in the organisation of courses/events

ATPI Corporate events/

ATPI Corporate Travel…

The EU

Third party companies involved in creation, distribution, hosting and maintenance of the e-learning materials e.g.:


Third party companies for survey activities: Limesurvey

The EU

Analytics tool: Matomo

The EU

Participants taking part in courses/events or e-learning activities

ESA Member States, Canada and Slovenia; Cooperating States

Non-ESA trainers


Partner organisations involved in the execution of courses/activities:


National Space Agencies/Offices:

- Austria - Aeronautics and Space Agency (ALR) of the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG)

- Belgium - Belgian Federal Science Policy Office (BELSPO)

- Canada - Canadian Space Agency

- Czech Republic - Space Technologies and Applications Unit at Ministry of Transport   

- Denmark - Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education        

- Estonia - Estonian Space Office (Enterprise Estonia)

- Finland - Business Finland 

- France - Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CN)    

- Germany - German Aerospace Center (DLR)              

- Greece - Ministry of Digital Governance

- Hungary - Hungarian Space Office

- Ireland - Enterprise Ireland

- Italy - Italian Space Agency (ASI)   

- Luxemburg - Luxembourg Space Agency   

- The Netherlands - Netherlands Space Office (NSO), Netherland Institute for Space Research (SRON)             

- Norway - Norwegian Space Agency (NOSA)              

- Poland - Polish Space Agency (POLSA)

- Portugal - Portugal Space

- Romania - Romanian Space Agency (ROSA)

- Slovenia - Ministry of Economic Development and Technology

- Spain - Ministry of Science and Innovation with the support of the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology          

- Sweden - Swedish National Space Agency

- Switzerland -bSwiss Space Office (SSO)     

- United Kingdom - UK Space Agency (UKSA)


Cooperating States:

- Bulgaria - Ministry of Economy

- Cyprus - Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works

- Latvia - Ministry of Education and Science

- Lithuania - Ministry of Economy

- Slovakia - Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport

- Croatia - Ministry of Science and Education

- Malta - Malta Council for Science and Technology




ESA Member States, Canada and Slovenia; Cooperating States



The Agency does not consider your personal data as an asset for sale and, thus, does not does not sell your personal data to any third parties.


  1. How long does ESA retain your personal data for?

Inactive accounts will be automatically deleted after 2 years on inactivity.

Details provided when registering for a course via the registration form will be automatically deleted 3 months after a course/event has taken place. Some anonymised data will be kept for statistical purposes.

Videos, images and recordings will be kept for as long as necessary for the fulfilment of the above mentioned purposes.


  1. How can you erase, rectify, complete or amend your personal data?

The Agency is keen to collect and process accurate personal data and to keep it updated.

You may request the erasure, rectification, completion or amendment of your personal data if, and to the extent that it is inaccurate or incomplete, having regard to the purposes for which they are collected and processed, or if they are processed in violation with the principles referred in ESA PDP Framework.

If you choose to make a request for the erasure of personal data, you understand and agree that:

  • You may no longer be able to access the protected part of the ESA Learning Hub.
  • You may no longer be able to participate in courses/events made available via the Learning Hub.
  • You may not receive news and updates about the Learning Hub and courses and activities.

The above-mentioned request should be submitted to the ESA DPO, as first point of contact, by sending an email to:

You may also be allowed access to your personal data and have the possibility to erase, rectify, complete or amend it, according to the following modalities:

1. by accessing your account at:

2. by entering your account User Id and password

3. by clicking on “Log In”

4. by actually erasing, rectifying, completing or amending your personal data

If you do not remember your password, you can reset your password by clicking on “Forgot password” and following all further steps.

If you are unable to access your account, please contact for assistance.


  1. What could you do in case of a data protection incident?

In case of a data protection incident, you should contact ESA DPO, as first point of contact, by sending an email to:

In case you wish to submit a complaint, you are required to comply with the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Authority set forth by ESA PDP Framework. You will be required to demonstrate that a data protection incident occurred in relation to your personal data, following a decision of the Agency or at least to jus