Special Communication to Delegations - The ESA Whistleblowing system

Join ESA's new awareness session for Delegations now and follow the online presentation.
ESA Integrity and Whistleblowing
Fraud and other financial misconduct are spreading increasingly, both at national and international levels, driven also by new internet-enabled threats. The fight against fraud and corruption has always been an important guiding principle of ESA which, very early on, put in place a robust control and prevention system.
ESA's approach is reflected in the ESA Policy on the Prevention, Detection and Investigation of Fraud which addresses both ESA internal employees and external partners, persons and entities. This Policy shall therefore be known and applied by everyone working at or with ESA.
The Agency is now expanding its awareness programme to external partners, stakeholders and interested parties, by means of a dedicated session published on the ESA Learning Hub (accessible here).
This short session recalls the main principles of ESA’s Policy and responsibilities in contributing to fraud prevention. Topics covered include prevention and awareness, detection and reporting as well as investigation.
The Agency stresses the importance of knowing and applying ESA’s Policy properly. It is as well a necessary way to contribute to maintaining trustworthy relationships between the Agency and its partners and stakeholders.
The Agency relies on the active contribution of all its employees, external partners and stakeholders to ESA Integrity and Whistleblowing. Your feedback will be very much appreciated.
For more information, please contact Jeanne Couppié from the Compliance, Quality and Ethics Office (Jeanne.Couppie@esa.int).