Online Workshop: ESA Costing Requirements - The use of ECOS for SMEs
Support ESA in the definition of requirements for a new version of the Agency's costing software.
The ESA Costing Software (ECOS) is an application which supports the preparation of price proposal for tenders. Its use is required as a mandatory input for large projects (i.e. >10 M€).
ESA is now investigating the possibility to extend the applicability of ECOS to all its procurements, as more and more companies use the tool and provide better compliant proposals to ESA Tenders. Furthermore, ECOS helps industry to establish a correct costing methodology and provides a fast way to produce compliant PSS-A forms.
In this context, ESA has initiated the development of a new version of ECOS which is intended to improve the user experience with more simplified and streamlined interfaces as well as the possibility to potentially connect with other tools within the Agency (such us esa-star) or commercial applications (e.g. MS Excel).
The Agency would like to invite Small and Medium-sized Enterprises to participate to the first of a number of workshops dedicated to SMEs to exchange ideas, needs and experiences that can help ESA to develop a tool which is truly beneficial to industry, supporting a fast and efficient preparation of financial proposals for ESA contracts.
For more information about the current version of ECOS (ECOS 5), please follow the link:
This online workshop will provide a forum to exchange ideas, needs and experiences related to the preparation of the development of a new version of the ECOS costing software.
Participants to the workshop should have some experience in preparing proposals for ESA and filling in PSS forms. To register, please provide your company's/organisation's esa-star entity code.
In case you have registered but cannot attend the session, please click on "Leave course" on the right-hand side of the course page to inform the organisers.