Webinar on Lessons Learned in the Space Industry (December 2023)


In June 2023, ESA reached out to members of the industrial space sector, particularly Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), to take part in a survey on lessons learned in the space industry. The survey aimed to gather valuable insights into the best practice of how industry learns from their experiences while working on projects in the space sector, and how using their experience informs their future actions and business decision-making.

During this webinar, the results gathered by means of the survey will be presented, including the request for ESA to take action in creating a capability to capture industry learning.

The online meeting will also be an opportunity for the ESA Knowledge Management team to meet industry representatives from both the classic and New Space industry and to further gather ideas and support on how best to create this new capability to capture learning. Interest in working together on the topic will be collected during the meeting.

"Share your Knowledge"



- inform participants about the outcome of the 2023 Lessons Learned survey;

- gather further industry ideas and interest in working together and contributing to the developement of a capability to capture learning.


Cancellation policy

In case you have registered but cannot attend the session, please click on "Leave course" on the right-hand side of the webinar page to inform the organisers.

Last updated: Thursday, 2 November 2023 - 12:24 (CET)