ECSS discipline Q-10/20 Product Assurance Management/Quality Assurance (September 2023)


The ECSS Q-10/20 course provides an overview of the PA and QA processes established by ECSS, explaining the quality management organization and the PA and QA assurance plans.

Basic knowledge of ECSS PA and QA requirements and associated activities, and how they are implemented in ESA, are covered in the course. This includes the understanding of the interactions between PA and QA, and other programmatic and technical disciplines of ESA projects and the tailoring of dependability requirements to suit project/mission specific objectives.

Skills acquired at the course:

  • System view of ECSS-Q-10 Product Assurance Management and ECSS-Q-20 Quality Assurance disciplines, its relationships and interfaces with other ECSS standards, its utilization and impact on the development of ESA program and project activities.
  • Understanding of PA and QA requirements and associated activities applicable to ESA projects including a brief overview of most commonly performed dependability analyses.
  • Understanding of the tailoring process of PA and QA requirements to establish ITT and project specific requirements.
  • Management of the PA and QA assurance program aspects in space projects.
  • Management and assessment of the implementation of the PA and QA program plans by Prime and Subcontractors.
  • Overview of level 3 standards in these two branches.


The course addresses the ECSS Q-10 Product Assurance Management and ECSS-Q-20 Quality Assurance disciplines including the following:

  • Overview of the ECSS product and quality assurance processes
  • ECSS structure and definition of key terms for PA and QA
  • Identifying the PA and QA processes
  • ECSS disciplines and their links with PA and QA
  • PA and QA management organisation
  • PA and QA assurance plans
  • QA implementation in product development



The objective of the Q-10/Q-20 PA/QA course is to provide the participants with an overview of the PA and QA processes established by ECSS, highlighting the ECSS structure and definitions of the key terms, identifying the quality disciplines, explaining the quality management organization and the PA and QA assurance plans, in order to be able to implement and manage an effective PA and QA assurance program in space projects and in accordance with the relevant ECSS standards.



Lorenzo Marchetti, ESA


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Last updated: Wednesday, 30 August 2023 - 07:36 (CEST)