IP and patent lecture series: Due Diligence and Investment - The Influence of Patents on Investor Decisions (December 2022)


This is the eighth lecture in a series of nine online sessions about Intellectual Property (IP) and patents, strategic tools to be taken into consideration in a company's business decisions and strategy. The sessions will run in the November + December 2022 time frame.

This session is a lecture on the process of due-diligence with respect to intellectual property and particularly patents.  What does a due-diligence process look like?  What information will companies seeking investment be looking for when engaging with potential investors?  The lecture will aim to explain how to prepare and discuss some of the pitfalls of not preparing yourself properly.



To provide attendees with a basic understanding of what investors may be asking for as part of a due-diligence process and enough information to prepare themselves in advance.  Due-diligence can be a daunting issue for small companies and startups but being prepared and presenting information in an appropriate way can put companies in the best possible shape for investment.

Target Group

Anyone wishing to understand the intellectual property aspects of due-diligence.  This will include companies of any size looking for investors and also parties (investors/companies looking for a merger or take-over) who are looking to invest.



What is due-diligence, what are the intellectual property aspects and why are they important to investors, what information will you be asked to provide and how to you obtain it, how can you prepare in advance and what is best practice to avoid complications during the process.



D Young & Co LLP


Cancellation policy

Please inform the organisers at your earliest convenience if you cannot attend a session you registered for.


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Last updated: Thursday, 1 December 2022 - 15:44 (CET)