
This lecture aims to provide a guide for inventors and organisations looking to protect their quantum computing-based inventions, including what is patentable, what is not, and what you need to know. This lecture also studies patenting trends in quantum computing, and other quantum technologies, looking at how these emerging technologies are being protected and how this is changing.


This lecture will provide the second part of an introduction to patents. This will include discussing typical paths taken to patents, a review of prior art and how it can be used to benefit you and your business alongside some considerations of how to attract investment and a brief discussion of patent box. This will be a refresher for those that attended the 2022 lecture series.


This lecture will provide the first part of an introduction to patents. This will include how to read, understand and interpret a patent alongside how to read and understand the most important part of the patent: the claims. This will be a refresher for those that attended the 2022 lecture series.


The ECSS E-ST-70-41-C – Packet Utilisation Standard training course will take place at ESA/ESTEC on 26+27 September 2023.

This course will take place at ESA/ESTEC (Noordwijk, The Netherlands) on 8 November 2023.

This webinar covers the ECSS discipline E-33 Mechanisms.

This webinar covers the ECSS discipline Q-60 EEE Components

This webinar covers the ECSS discipline Q-70 Materials.

This webinar covers the ECSS discipline Q-40 Safety.

This webinar covers the ECSS discipline Q-30 Dependability.